Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,  Phyllodes tumors of the breast generally manifest as benign, borderline, and malignant tumors with clinical presentation of breast mass, blue discoloration, nipple retraction, dilated skin veins, and palpable axillary lymph nodes. Diagnosis of phyllodes tumors is challenging due to mimicking fibroadenoma and unreliable cytological tests. However, they can be managed with surgeries, while chemo- and radiation therapies for malignant phyllodes tumors remain controversial. To know better ways to diagnose and manage phyllodes tumors, join the expert breast oncosurgeon Dr. Garvit Chitkara in our exclusive webinar moderated by renowned oncosurgeon Dr. Qurratulain Chougle, TODAY, 3:00 PM IST onwards. |