Saturday, August 19, 2023

Management Strategies for Evaporative Dry Eye: All You Need to Know

Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,
Are you aware of the diverse management strategies for treating evaporative dry eye (EDE) disease?
Dry eye disease (DED) becomes chronic if left untreated. It is crucial to identify and treat the critical pathogenic mechanisms involved and tailor the treatment to the individual patient. EDE is more frequent among DED subtypes and is challenging to manage. Hence, early intervention and a multifaceted management approach are needed to prevent DED and its subtypes. Lipid-containing artificial tears can be the preferred treatment for treating DED and its subtypes.
Read this article for more insights on the diagnosis and various management strategies to treat DED and EDE.
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Friday, August 18, 2023

Unlocking the Link: PCOS and Dry Eye Connection

Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,
During clinical practice, have you ever encountered PCOS patients suffering from DED?
PCOS is a multisystemic disorder involving various diseases, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and endometrial cancer. The ocular system is one of the systems affected by PCOS. Several clinical studies have demonstrated a link between PCOS and ocular surface diseases, such as meibomian gland dysfunction, tear film instability, and DED. Hence, dry eye evaluation is needed in PCOS patients. Further, PCOS patients should be referred to ophthalmologists for regular eye checkups to ensure ocular safety and health.
Check out this infographic highlighting the relationship between PCOS and DED!

Highlights -
  • PCOS prevalence and the ocular system
  • Significant effects of PCOS on DED
  • Clinical studies suggesting the relationship between PCOS and DED
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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Vision and Surgery Essentials: Navigating DED Challenges Before Blepharoplasty

Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,
Did you know that cosmetic blepharoplasty can lead to or exacerbate preexisting dry eye disease (DED)?

Cosmetic and practical benefits have contributed to the widespread appeal of eyelid lift surgery.
However, DED issues can develop or worsen after aesthetic eyelid treatments, leaving patients frustrated and unhappy despite the outstanding surgical outcomes.
Surgeons can improve patient satisfaction and reduce ocular discomfort from DED by proactively screening for and treating it, managing meibomian gland dysfunction, and making minor adjustments to the surgical procedure.

Here's an article that shares a quick overview of preoperative dry eye evaluation essentials before blepharoplasty and post-operative DED management.
Docplexus: One of the world's largest online communities of Doctors
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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Threads of Sight: Corneal Nerves and Role in Ocular Health

Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,
Did you know that corneal nerves are crucial in maintaining a healthy ocular surface?

The cornea's nerve fiber density is 300-600 times higher than that of the skin, making it the most heavily innervated tissue in the human body.
Tear production decreases when ocular nerves are damaged. Diseases like dry eye disease (DED), neurotrophic keratopathy (NK), and neuropathic ocular pain (NOP) can develop as a result of this.
Accurate diagnosis and treatment of DED require knowledge of the anatomical and functional changes to the corneal nerves that occur in this disease condition.

Read this article to learn more about how DED affects corneal nerves.
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Join Now I Surgery for Various Medical Conditions

Dear Dr. Renukaprasad A R,
Is surgical intervention always needed for specific medical conditions? 
Are surgical interventions recommended as preventive treatments? 
Is there any specific population or age group where surgical interventions should be avoided?
Get all your questions about surgical interventions for medical conditions answered in our exclusive MasterSeries session with Bariatric and Metabolic Surgeon Dr Prashant Hansraj Salvi, TODAY 3:00 PM IST onwards!
Session Highlights-
  • Indications and Patient Selection
  • Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
  • Surgical Procedure and Technique
  • Postoperative Care and Follow-Up
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India: Penalties for Not Prescribing Generic Drugs, and More

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